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  • Sarah Buckman



How to complete a spring book in steps:

Step 1: Find a dedicated staff who are in love with literature and art

Step 2: Make a website and reveal your publication to the world through social media!

Step 3: Open submissions and let the work come to you

Step 4: Organize the submissions and number them so it is a fair blind reading

Step 5: Read everything!

Step 5: Make staff decisions on writing and art

Step 6: Choose finalists and send writing to judges

Step 7: Now that the art and writing finalists have been chosen, you can make the order of the pieces for the actual book!

Step 8: Layout

Step 9: Layout

Step 10: Layout and upload

Step 11: Enjoy your finished masterpiece!

I wish that making a book was as easy as typing out the process, but it is not. Simply put, being in a publication takes a lot of time and effort; you really need to have a passion for what you do. When you have passion however, it makes it easier to stay organized and keep faith in what you do. That is what the Élan staff have always maintained throughout the years, and this year has been no different. We are extremely proud of our latest spring edition, and I hope that you will enjoy all the talent and hard work that has gone into creating it. The edition is on our website: We are also working on our print compilation of both the winter and spring books, so please keep an eye out for announcements related to the print book!

--Sarah Buckman, Editor-in-Chief


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