This year, Élan made its official debut into the social media world. Quickly. We created an Instagram while simultaneously cleaning up our Facebook and Twitter account all in a matter of a few weeks. Our goal is to reach out to other young writers and student publications, like us and give them the chance to be published in one of our editions. With this comes a lot of hard work. And a lot of self promotion.
Each day we update our social media sites. We aim to give insight on our staff and what our day-to-day tasks are. We pick D.A. alumni pieces to highlight Élan's best work done in previous editions as well as pieces from newer editions. The writing that we choose highlights the standard of work we wish to receive. It’s not about the number of followers we have; it’s about the number of people we are able to reach out to.
This year, we have a lot in store for Élan. We are looking to publish national and international work, exceeding our previous expectations. Social media is a busy everyday job, but one that leaves endless possibilities and rewards.
-- Haley Hitzing and Madison George; Social Media Editors